Monday, February 4, 2008

Another Weekend with the Family

Well, somehow it is February again. In a way I am happy that January is behind us, but then again it makes me a little sad that my baby is now officialy 1 year old. We had a perfect weekend. Friday night was spent in Indianola with Mimi because I had an appointment in Greenwood early Saturday morning. After a great lunch and hugs for everyone, the McCaskills were back in the car headed south again. Over the years I have decided that if we had a song it could be "On the Road Again". Our friends in Jackson wonder why we even have a home here at times! All 3 of the McCaskills girls napped while "Lucky Daddy" drove us home. What a life!

So besides the boring details of our weekend here is what we thought was our funny moment. We overslept Sunday morning and Stiemy thought we could still get 4 dressed and out of the house for Sunday School that started in 1 hour (we live 20 minutes from church). Now, it takes him alone 45 mintues to get dressed (maybe a good blog topic for another time). So at 8:50 I recommend that we slow down, eat breakfast and just get to church for "big church". He insists that we can make it and I willingly attempt to get 3 of us ready (I can only do so much). At 9:17 we pull out of the driveway and head south for church. Finally, as we are nearing the church he says "Krispy Kream"? Wow, spontatnity at its best! I say sure because we were going to be 40 minutes late for Sunday School. So, as we make our detour we watch the Princess's reaction.
"We took the wrong way" she said.
"No baby we are going to make a stop before church" the parents reply.
"We have to go to Sunday School now...let's go" she answered.
"Well, we are running late and we just aren't going to make it" we muffle with laughter at her disappointment.
"Why are we late? We have to go NOW" she insists.
"Baby it is our fault but we slept too long and we don't have time. You are right we should have gotten up earlier. We are sorry." we explained.
"Where are we going then?" she asked
"We have a treat" we answered not trying to make a treat sound better than church.
"It isn't Christmas though" she told us.

Of course we are not encouraging parents to skip church for donuts and how do you explain this is ok to children. However, all of this to say this was one of those moments when we thanked God for letting us be parents and teaching her that we are suppose to be in church on Sundays and that Jesus loves her. After some sugary treats, we did make it to church and she had communion which in my opinion may be one of the most precious parent moments to watch her take the bread and dip it in the cup, while the preachers tells her "remember that Jesus Loves You."

Did I mention that one day last week when we were leaving her daycare that the bells were chiming and she said, "Mama do you hear the bells? We are suppose to pray." So we did just that.

You just have to love St. Francis of Assis that she and the monkey attend. I had another one of those moments when Ithought...she loves Jesus and may we just always keep this little girl so sweet and innocent and protected. If all of us could slow down and remember the basics and take the time to pray kinda out of the blue like that. It was also a moment that reminded me one of my favorite movies "The Sound of Music". I could just picture the nuns walking through the gardens and the when the bells chime they stop to pray.


1 comment:

mary straton said...

I think every family needs a Hot Now treat every once in a while.

Stiemy's Birthday